Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Time: phone call on May 25th, 2023
Issue: CCCasino - Hotel booking - PreInstallation
Mistakes: Assumption of "fridge benefits" based on previous experience.
Lesson: DO NOT make judgements based on previous experience especially things involving bills/money and target involving an asset.
Time: Zoom call on May 26th, 2023
Issue: MayoC - Mapping - PreInstallation
Mistakes: robot alarming sound noise at main lobby.
Lesson: I need to sweep out all the underlying potential disturbing/risky factors before jumping into an expected process.
Time: Zoom call on March 16th, 2023
Issue: GoldenC - Mapping - PostInstallation
Mistakes: Too focus on the troubleshooting process, failed to notice asset's reaction.
Lesson: I don't need to make the entire operation perfect. Sometimes, keeping an asset happy and comfortable is more important than a tolerable issue itself. If prolonged process has negative impact on assets' feeling, pay close attention to their feelings and abandon the issue because the issue is tolerable and I received a message from the asset.
Loation: Durham, NH